Rising inflation in Bangladesh - Crypto Hunter



Friday, August 19, 2022

Rising inflation in Bangladesh

 Since 2021, inflation has been rising suddenly and quickly in both developed economies like Bangladesh and big economies all around the world. By the beginning of 2022, many analysts and top business figures throughout the world were unsure whether this upward inflationary tendency indicated the start of a new inflationary age or was simply a result of the pandemic's temporary supply interruptions having an impact on price levels. At this point, inflation is certain to continue.

A rise in some prices that just alters the relative cost of different goods and services is not inflation. In reality, inflation is a general increase in prices that lowers the purchasing power of money. There has been a substantial value loss in the domestic market, yet

Food, non-alcoholic beverages, and cigarettes actually account for a significant portion of the consumer price index (CPI), Bangladesh's main indicator of inflation, accounting for 59% of the total weight, followed by gross rent, fuel, and lights accounting for 16.9%. The CPI also covers furnishing (2.8%), transportation and communication (4.2%), leisure, entertainment, education, and cultural services (4.1%), miscellaneous goods and services (3.6%), and medical and health care costs (2.8%). (2.7 per cent). However, a rise in the cost of both food and non-food items has contributed to the recent inflationary increases.

The official inflation rate released by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is contested by the South Asian Network of Economic Modeling (SANEM) (BBS).

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